Friday, 13 January 2012

Feeling Blue!..*

*..Nini-Minnie..* What do you think? Please comment and share your thoughts?

With everything going on in my life, things seem to be getting difficult. I thought I could open up and talk about it. The only problem being is that I don't have anyone to talk to about anything, never mind how I'm feeling. So, this brings me to the question/s I want to ask:

*..Who do you turn to, if anyone or if not how do you cope?
*..What helps you feel better when you are feeling blue?
*..Any tips or advice?

Monday, 9 January 2012

*..Home Life..* - Routines

As you may already know, I'm trying to become more organized. My life is chaos most of the time with having three small children, so I want my life to be more easier and bring a bit of order and calmness my household. I've started small and for the pass 2-3years have had a cleaning rota with what I do everyday. So I thought maybe it would be a good idea for me to share with you want happens within my house, hopefully I can help others to be organized and we can support and help other each along the way.
Other than my rota I've started a daily rota. Which has the times of the day I do a certain something, to help me remember to do everything. So for those days that I'm rushed of my feet, I can look and know that I need to do that something instead of thinking 'Ah.. I must do that' and do it in a rush, not properly or forgetting completely.

So firstly, here is my 'Weekly Cleaning Rota'.....

Mornings: Daily...
Do the pots, Kitchen Sides, Room Spray, Make beds, Clean the High chairs, Sweep Kitchen Floor, Hoover the Living Room, Empty Bin/s, Wipe down draining board & Sink.

Nights: Daily...
Do the pots, Kitchen Sides, Sweep & Mop Kitchen Floor & Spray Downstairs.

Monday: Living Room...
Polish, Hoover, Wash window nettings and curtains, Empty the bin & Spray Room Spray.

Tuesday: Bedrooms...
Polish, Hoover, Take dirty washing down, Wash bedding/s, Empty bin/s & Spray Room.

Wednesday: Kitchen & Bathroom/s...
Kitchen: Kitchen sides, Sweep & Mop Floor, Wipe Cupboard Doors & Shelves, Clean Fridge, Freezer, Microwave & Cooker, Clean draining board & Sink & Empty the bins.
Bathroom/s: Sweep, Mop & Hoover Floor, Bleach & Clean Toilet, Sink & Bath, Wipe tiles, Empty bin/s & Spray Room/s.

Thursday: Hallway & Tumble Dryer Room...
Sweep, Hoover and Mop Floor/s, Dust Shelves, Wipe down tumble dryer & Spray Room.

Friday: Anything needs doing...
If anything needs doing, hoover, polish, spray room/s, putting anything away and sorting anything extra out.

Saturday: Washing...
Anything needs doing etc... and to start the washing.

Sunday: Washing...
Anything needs doing etc... and to finish the washing.

Of course I stick to my cleaning routine, however if I need to do anything I don't wait until the 'set' day that I've planned to do it, I just do it! I hoover and polish everywhere every other day.

So, my next rota is my 'Daily Rota' it's mainly based on what to do for the kids but its the one that I make sure I stick to with out a doubt. These are the main things that I do for them, if need be I may do extra things of course. Whether I'm having a good or bad day or even if I'm tired or ill I stick to it, because I have to!

Every Morning: 'Cleaning Task' &...
Change Kids Nappies, Make & Have Breakfast, Brush Kids Teeth & Hair, Wash them. (Hands & Face)

Every Night: 'Cleaning Task' &...
Wash them (Hands & Face) or Bath, Brush their hair & teeth & Get kids clothes ready for the next day.

With my busy days, focusing on the children all day everyday, my needs/ wants slip. Everything is about them and I've almost got lost along the way.. so I'm now trying to make time for myself, yes its difficult at times but I'm starting to take time out of the day to treat myself whether that mean just have a relaxing bath at the end of the night, putting my feet up with a coffee. I'm slowly time out and taking it one step at a time and a day at a time.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Progress of my New Year..*

So the start of my 'New Year Resolutions' is going quite well.. Of course my first one was to be more organised, so far so good! I've been wanting to make sure everything is perfect, I've already got a cleaning rota on my cupboard, which has been there for the past 2-3 years and does help me. Addition to that I've now improved it and make it better, I've got a daily routine, which is the set times I do things everyday. I do it now so writing it down with help me remember what I need to do and remind me so I'm not late. Here's what I've done;

Cleaning Rota - Improved it by:
Adding the night cleaning task as well has having to rearrange my cleaning jobs to different days. Adding extra bits on to make sure everything is clean and tidy, with having 3 children I need to make sure everything is happy, safe, clean and to me perfect! Which I'm doing now and I'm hoping I can keep on top of it. I make sure I try and keep on it of it in the day and of course you can't always do that, but having this rota helps me not only making everything sparkle :) interact with my kids!! At least I won't be running round like a headless chicken, cleaning, do the nursery run, washing, cooking and not spending time with them. It's the best of both worlds..that's for sure!! :)

Daily Routine:
I've added this to my cleaning rota, so I know exactly what to do at the times that I need to do it. I've added on to it, the times I have to be up in the morning then what I do, get the kids ready for nursery, leave for nursery and of course what time I can do my cleaning up. I hope this will help me in the day and stay on track with everything. This may help improve things or maybe not but it's worth a try. I already know what I have to do in the day and what times, I'm thinking if it's written down and I can see it, it will keep in my mind and I'll be on 'a roll' in the day.
I'm trying really hard to become and stay organized not only for myself but for my kids too, it will help them and hopefully get them in a routine that they will know one day as good as me. I don't want to confuse them, so I'm completely committed to this!!
My first steps to becoming more organized I feel is to do this; making list's and staying on top of things etc...

My inspiration resolution isn't going to plan I must say. I need a quote/ saying to help me lift my spirits in the day. If I'm having a bad day or a tired day etc... I want to see something but looking/ thinking of one is harder than I thought. Nothing jumps out at me. I've been wanting a nice picture of my kids to put up so when I am not feeling like myself, the trouble is of course I can't seem to find one, well I can I just cant decide on which picture. Maybe I could make a collage of some sort with my favourite pictures of them. That's an idea indeed!

The whole 'being me' one isn't working out at all! I cant seem to find the right balance of it all, maybe within the next few weeks I could feel better about myself, getting my life back on track and dealt with, then I could shine again. I guess its just wait and see for that one. As long as I do it I'll be happy.

I am definitely trying with 'Just do it'. I'm getting on with things, I'm not waiting about for my partner to finally come and help out,whether its when he has finished work or just when he is having a day off. I'm getting on with things and sticking with it. Its the best I've done so far. When I've wanted to previously do it in the past it hasn't always gone to plan but I'm going to do this one!

*..Nini-Minnie..* x

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

New Year..New Me!!! :D

So it's a start of a brand new year 2012 is finally here!!

It's a new beginning and a fresh start, especially for me and I've got some realistic new years resolutions for me. So here is what I want to make sure I do throughout the year and hopefully in my life. :)
1. Be more organised, in everyday life; doing the school run; housework; my children and my life!

2. Just do it!! Whatever it may be just get on with it, stick with it and sort it my way! I'm not going to wait about and expect help from my 'partner' im just going to get myself together and deal with it :D

3. Be me!! Whether im having a bad or good day, im just going to be me! Deal with the problems good or bad and sort it and move on; don't hold back.

4. Sort myself out; I have a cleaning rota for everyday so im not doing to much and ive decided that I will make one for myself; do what makes me feel better; safer; and more confident within myself!

There is my list of new year resoultions, i'm just hoping I can stick with them for more than a few months or so and they stay with me for years to come. I want to become a more confident person; be the person I once was before having children. My self-esteem has been lost through the years and hopefully with my resolutions I will become a better person and have a bit of the old me back and not just feel like im 'just a mum' anymore! :D

Do you have a new years resolution(s)?

*..Nini-Minnie..* x

Monday, 5 September 2011


So today, its been one of those days!

Where to start?

Feeling blue about everything just lately, I've been feeling like I'm 'Just a Mum' .
It's making me feel down and just about all round confused about the situation that I'm in. I want to better myself, make a career, support my children, make a life for them and make them super proud of me! It's so important for me to do so. The thing is I don't know what to do now!?

So what do I do now?...

I want to go and get a job, make a career, gain more qualifications so I can better my career in  the path I want to follow. However, what path do I want to follow? My eldest is three and since having her I haven't worked or been to college. I do go to SureStart Children Centres' and do Adult Ed.. LearnDirect and thats pretty much it. My partner now works so time to do things for myself are now restricted and limited due to my youngest being 6months and my eldest going to nursery I'm the one who looks after all three in the day and I wouldn't want someone else looking after them for that time. It's alright to be at nursery but its what 2hours a day some times half the day. As that really isn't the same as having them all the time until you get back in from work which, could be of course from 7am-6pm weekdays, when do you have time with your children?

So I divided up a daily cleaning rota and I do what is on the list of course daily, and that way I get to play with my children once that's done, which is so helpful and alot of my mind. It makes my life so much easier.

I want to start course's - online courses, evening courses..that way I have time with my children and looking after them in the day, that makes me feel better and more relaxed I see and I know what they have been doing whether they have been good, naughty incase of taking someone elses' word for it. The only time I really have spare in the day is night so if I do either online/evening course it's of course in the evening time..My partner with be in from work. If i want to go to work that will be limited to the evening time aswell and many company's don't like that as they want flexible hours so you have be flexible with your time, which unfortunatly I can't.

So I ask you;
-Do you work?
-College/Any type of Course?
-When did you start/How old were your children?
-Are you a stay at home mother?
-What do you want to be/ Follow as a career?

Please share your opinions, ideas, suggests or even what you have done. It would not only just help me, but possible others.
...and the story continues .............

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Stressful Sunday..*

So Sunday is my stress day that's with out a doubt!! I've woken up and just stressed from that minute.. my youngest didn't sleep well last night which has helped me be cranky which isn't good.. my eldest two are being mardy all day.. I don't know how I do it somedays but I suppose that's just what you do when you become a parent!

I've got so much to do everyday never mind today.. the washing, the cleaning, dinner etc..

Have you ever felt so lonely but have people around you? Well that's how I feel today.. I seriously don't know how I do it everyday.. partner that goes out and children that drive you up the wall.. but its all worth it, and makes it worth wild when you they come and say 'I love you' and gives you hugs and kisses and smiles at you.. it happens everyday but when your tired, stress and feel down it cheers you up but at times you don't take note of it until that day when you feel happy and unstressed.. I think everyone feels like that at times I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels like that..that's for sure!

So I suppose I best get my stuff together and start to do something.. seeing as all three are finally sleeping after I've knackered them out, I'm thinking I should have about half an hour.. which I'm sure I can do that :)
Wish me luck...

Saturday, 20 August 2011

My First Blog...*

So I'm new to this and this will be my first ever blog!! I'm sure it wont be my last.. I would like to say a welcome and thank you for taking in interest in it, at which ever time that will be. :)

I guess I should introduce myself.. well I'm a full time mother of three young children aged; 3, 2 and 6months. It's a wonderful and fulfilling job that I enjoy every single day, they are my life and soul and there will be nothing I wouldn't do for them. They do mean the world to me. Unfortunately sometimes I do feel like that, I suffer from severe depression which makes me tired, moody and very emotional. My oldest always cheers me up when I'm sad and wipes my tears, as at time I can't help it I try not to cry in front of my children but sometimes that is just not possible and I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels like that..

I'm still currently with my partner of 4years, who is the father to all my children, and in this society today I am very proud of that fact. I do however don't judge the people that have children by different fathers as I have a half sister myself who is older than me, and my sister half three children and her eldest is by a different dad. I'm not judgemental of anyone, no matter what the situation.. everyone is different and everyone has a story to tell, including myself.

I've had rocky few years that's for sure.. I just can't seem to find the right balance of happiness or be in the right place in my life. There is always a bump in the road along the way and which I suppose that is life and you have to work around the problems and find that solution that is best for you! I'm just the person who is happy all the time but then when something goes wrong I'm not just down I'm really down and I'm not the worse of person in the world, everything gets to me and I defiantly where my heart on my sleeve.

The one worse thing that I cannot stand is lies, I don't understand why people should lie, or for that matter why would they want to.. I enjoy cooking, reading, relaxing, (for sure!) writing, spending time with my little family, my imitate family. I like to help people, make them feel special and put a smile on their face, whatever their age. :)

I think that would be it for now.. I'll be blogging soon.. I'll be trying at least once a day just to get my feelings of my chest I that will make me feel better I'm sure and hopefully help someone who is going through the same thing as me. I will look forward to whoever that would want to join me :)
Goodnight for now...